i’m Tony .
i’m from egypt and i have a fz 750 with a 16 teeth front sprocket and 47 teeth rear sprocket (i know that the stock sprockets are 16 front and 44 rear but i want to have the best for racing ) so i was looking for someone tel tell me what are the best gears ratio or final drive ratio for racing with other big bikes…
Zoltan says:
hi mate. it depends on the track, bt generally, for each track with shorter or longer straights, choose a gearing combo which will let you get to top revs in top gear JUST before you have to back off for the turn. So there really is noo BEST ratio.. it depends on the track. write down what you have and what the result is ie not getting into top at all or getting into top too early… I did all this and it makes a big difference. check you tube for ‘zoltan fz750 broadford’…